Application Industry

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Punching and Punching
Punching and Punching
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Master Model Creation
Master Model Creation
The quality of the cast polyvacuum parts depends on the quality of the master model. When you need to maintain strict tolerances, glossiness, or even optical clarity, it is best to process through CNC machining.
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Making Silicone Molds
Making Silicone Molds
The casting mold is made from liquid silicone resin, also known as RTV mold. The silicone rubber has excellent chemical stability, self-release properties, and flexibility, and because it has minimal shrinkage, it can effectively transfer fine details from the master model to the mold.
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Casting Process
Casting Process
Brightstar's standardized operating procedures ensure accurate replication of parts and consistent mechanical properties. Our vacuum casting technicians control all operational parameters:
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SLM,Selective Laser Melting
SLM,Selective Laser Melting
Metal powder sintering (SLM, Selective Laser Melting) is an advanced metal 3D printing technology that can produce complex shapes and high-precision parts without any hard tools or models.
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Stereo Lithography Appearance
Stereo Lithography Appearance
SLA (Stereo Lithography Appearance) is the earliest commercialized 3D printing technology.
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Selective Laser Sintering
Selective Laser Sintering
SLS (Selective Laser Sintering) technology is a 3D printing technology based on a powder bed.
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Cutting and Bending
Cutting and Bending
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Stainless steel and cold rolled steel Hot rolled steel
Stainless steel and cold rolled steel Hot rolled steel
Stainless steel: such as 304, 316, etc., have good corrosion resistance and are often used in food processing equipment, medical equipment and chemical equipment.
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SLA 3D printing materials
SLA 3D printing materials
Stereolithography prototyping (SLA)3D printing technology is a photosensitive resin material, usually ABS-like white (Accura Xtreme White 200), ABS-like gray (Accura Xtreme gray), ABS-like black (Accura 7820) ABS-like translucent/transparent (WaterShed XC 11122), MicroFine™ (gray and green), PP-like translucent white (Somos9120)
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SLA 3D printing materials
SLA 3D printing materials
Usually PA 12 or glass filled PA 12, polystyrene (PS), polycarbonate (PC), nylon and its composites, TPU, PPS, PEEK and PP are used.
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Aluminum and Copper
Aluminum and Copper
Aluminum 1100-H14: 1100 series aluminum is one of the purest aluminum series, with good electrical and thermal conductivity, but relatively low strength. H14 means hardened to a certain hardness after cold working. Commonly used for deep drawing processing and decorative applications.
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